


Recruiting, screening, and hiring talented professionals are critical factors that could make the difference between a company’s success or failure. Quality hiring decisions can translate goals into reality. Slade Crabtree & Associates is committed to identifying and attracting talented professionals who possess successful backgrounds.

You have the power to hire the right people, and our mission is to be a strategic partner in this endeavor. It is our job to eliminate average candidates. We fully understand that all talent is not equally created and that the best candidates do not just materialize. Therefore, we do not represent a candidate until we have established the candidate’s qualifications and fitness for a job opening.

We spend countless hours recruiting, screening, and interviewing potential job candidates. This experience builds expertise and a level of knowledge about the interview process that sharpens questioning and probing skills and improves judgment and instinct needed to separate top-quality candidates from “the rest.”

One of the last reliable sources of competitive advantage is the ability to make superior hiring decisions; consequently, we are committed to identifying these sources.
